Handle your appraisal meeting

joydeep bhattacharjee
3 min readFeb 22, 2023

Its the season of performance reviews and appraisal meetings. Soon your manager would call you for the appraisal meeting. This is one of the most important meeting that you need to attend over the year as this would basically influence how much would be your next salary and thus all subsequent salaries. Sure, here are some tips on how to handle your appraisal meeting:

  1. Prepare in advance: Take the time to review your performance over the past year and make a list of your accomplishments, challenges, and areas where you could improve. This will help you to present a clear picture of your work to your manager during the appraisal meeting and will be more difficult for your manager to question your point of view. Give atleast one full day to researching and preparing to this.
  2. Keep notes: Keep notes for everything that is being said during the meeting and then send an MOM. everything should have a paper trail both good and bad. Just because you are taking notes does not mean that you have to follow all of them, it’s just for you to think about and reflect later.
  3. Be open to feedback: Your appraisal meeting is an opportunity for you to receive feedback on your performance from your manager. Listen to what they have to say and be open to constructive criticism. Clarify any points that you do not understand.
  4. Fight back: Take steps if you think your manager is gaslighting you. Talk to people you trust; they would have noticed scenario and will give you appropriate advice. If required, address the situation with manager. In extreme cases go to HR and/or start preparing for interviews.
  5. Stay calm and professional: Your appraisal meeting is emotional and stressful, but it is important to remain calm and professional throughout. Do not let your emotions take over. Listen to everything in a calm and objective manner. Remember that it is probably quite stressful for your manager as well, so always find ways in which you provide value to him. If this is stressful for you, its stressful for everyone as well so play that to your advantage.
  6. Ask questions: If there is anything that you do not understand or need clarification on, do not be afraid to ask questions. Your manager will appreciate your willingness to learn and improve.
  7. Set goals: Use your appraisal meeting to set goals for the upcoming year. This will show your manager that you are committed to your job and eager to improve. Understand the primary KPIs of the team and what are the things that the manager is looking towards to improve the performance of the team.
  8. Follow up: After your appraisal meeting, take the time to follow up with your manager to discuss any action items that were discussed. This will help you to stay on track and ensure that you are meeting your goals. Complete those action items and keep your manager informed on the progress. Again keep things documented with dates and proper structure.
  9. Its just a score: At the end of the day remember that it is just a score it in no way defines your true worth. You should prepare for your appraisal, but your career is the holy grail. Do not agree to anything that may be good for your current appraisal but will harm your long term career goals. Also even if the score is not that good, re-investigate your situation and start making a plan for the future.

The year end appraisal meeting is very critical to decide on your career path and monetary gains. Prepare thoroughly for this meeting and take charge of how this meeting shapes your career. All the best.

